
About Me

As with all artists, painting and drawing has been a huge part of my life. My career in nursing sadly ended due to ill health in 2006 however, this allowed me to focus on my fine art degree which I completed in Brighton 2014. I have since moved to Dorset where I now live and work.

My artwork originates from a personal and emotional interpretation of the visual conversation between place, figure, photography and paint. My process starts with a place or story, sketching and utilization of photographic material, the markers of the photographic image may be present, but the mediums of paint and ink have their own language in my free style of working. My figurative work always starts from a life drawing, using myself, family or friends as a reference if no model is available. This is a crucial part of my process as photographic images can flatten a form thus, rendering it lifeless.

By painting in the space between the supposed truth of the photograph and the lived experience, for me, slows time and captures the place between the lived reality and the digital record. Brush strokes and colour can describe the way you feel where perhaps a still image can describe the form from one perspective. I am motivated by the business of translation from one medium to another to narrate a lived experience; my aim is to capture the personal response an image can evoke, using one of the oldest forms of visual communication.